Being A Multipotentialite

Anushree Sen
2 min readJun 25, 2023

Why some of us do not have one true calling, and it’s okay!

It feels good to know that you’re not alone in NOT knowing the answer to “What do you want to become/do next”. Not because I have no interests but because I have so many 😅.

I have often been told that being a multipotentialite is a problem I must overcome and that I cannot, or rather should not, branch out to multiple things in my career. I cannot be good in finance, be a creative writer or illustrator, delve into marketing, chase nature photography, and also pursue other areas, all at once. I should choose one and master it.

The idea of destiny or having “one” true calling — the belief that we’re meant to do “one” great thing in our lives — is highly romanticized in our culture. But what if you’re not wired that way? What if you’re curious about multiple subjects. and there are many different roads that you want to walk?

Honestly, as a child, I consistently struggled to answer the dreaded question, “What do you want to become when you grow up?” 😬 And even now, I still find it challenging to find a clear answer to it (because the answer keeps changing and there’s still a lot of growing up to do!).

There isn’t just one purpose to some of our lives, and that’s perfectly alright. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to go beyond the conventional specializations. The world needs specialists just as much as it needs multipotentialites 🙂.

What do you think?

“Embrace your inner wiring, whatever that may be…Follow your curiosity. Explore your intersections.” — Emilie Wapnick



Anushree Sen

In pursuit of seeing the world, never settling, and living out loud. Here penning words as anchors to positive-affirmation and self-reminders.