Breaking Chains: Changing Your Narrative

Anushree Sen
Hashtag Life
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2022


Don’t hesitate doing something
that has not been done before,
because it’s not the “traditional” way.
Don’t hesitate to change your narrative.

Be the author of your story

Breaking the norm is not easy. We are constantly conditioned to believe the only way to live 'right' is to do things as they have been done for centuries. Realizing you're the only one thinking differently is unnerving sometimes.

It takes time, exposure, a lot of willingness, and guts to get out of our mental prisons. We hesitate at first. We doubt our doubts, burdened by all the worldly pressures…of parents, society, peers, etc. But once you know and accept what is best for YOU, there's no turning back.

My take on it is— When you're learning, evolving, and moving faster than the environment you're in, conflict of interest is inevitable. But we shouldn't be afraid to challenge and change the narrative for yourself.

Whether it's deciding to not marry, going on solo trips, refusing dowry, not settling down in one place, not having children, or leaving a high-paying job to do something you love — whatever your "non-traditional" stance on life is, go ahead and do it. We only live once. Take the narrative of your life back, be its author, and the rest will follow.



Anushree Sen
Hashtag Life

In pursuit of seeing the world, never settling, and living out loud. Here penning words as anchors to positive-affirmation and self-reminders.